magman67 (magman67) wrote,


Ambleside, Lake District by Joe Daniel Price

Ambleside, Lake District by Joe Daniel Price.jpg

Dorchester Abbey and Lych-gate, Dorchester, Oxfordshire by Andrew S Brown

Dorchester Abbey and lych-gate, Dorchester, Oxfordshire by Andrew S Brown.jpg

East Dart River at Postbridge, Devon

East Dart River at Postbridge, Devon.jpg

Newark-on-Trent Castle and Church by Chris Lee

Newark-on-Trent Castle and Church by Chris Lee.jpg

Scarborough scene by Tony Worrall Photography

Scarborough scene by Tony Worrall Photography.jpg

Swaledale panorama, Pennine Way above Muker by Bob Radlinski

Swaledale panorama, Pennine Way above Muker by Bob Radlinski.jpg

The Vane Arms, Sudborough, Northants by Baz Richardson

The Vane Arms, Sudborough, Northants by Baz Richardson.jpg

The wonderful Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury, Shropshire by Andrew S Brown

The wonderful Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury, Shropshire by Andrew S Brown.jpg

Wells Cathedral, Wells, Somerset by Richard

Wells Cathedral, Wells, Somerset by Richard.jpg

The Bass Rock, Firth of Forth by Sally Anderson

The Bass Rock, Firth of Forth by Sally Anderson.jpg

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